by Blair Grey | Feb 4, 2020 | Mercury’s Musings
February feels like a buffer from all the intensity that built up into the New Year and we have begun the Chinese Year of the Metal Rat; perhaps this productive, smart and resourceful archetype can assist us move through the Capricornian theme of reclaiming our own power and authority. Systems of all kinds, all structures and all beliefs are up for re-evaluation as our innate operating platforms undergo a microscopic review. Any shadow is invited to come forth to the light to be seen, integrated and transformed with forgiveness so we may each launch anew into the matrix. Having a career assisting courageous beings walk the heroic path of trauma transmutation I see that everyone’s imprint – their genetics even, are the alchemical fodder – the lead that becomes the gold.
It is intense to be alive, let alone nourish oneself, balance life stressors and create in a way that defies the script of culture. I have decided to start sharing the supports I have found to assist me on this journey. We are all travelers, embodiments of starlight, here on Earth in our human suits. These days are excruciatingly polarized and thus, it is no longer a luxury to be able to tune out. Balancing, nourishing, resetting – these are literally necessities to survive if we are to do so as integrated and grounded vessels of our Star essence. Trees have been the most amazing of teachers… why I changed my middle name to Sylvan, to be “of the forest” seemed a wisdom to live by – rooted and reaching for the stars – both roots and stems must be balanced, nourished and aligned with the seasonal shifts to thrive. I have found that the Elementals, nature and all its unique species offer us the magic of Presence to support our journey. As we are vibrational beings physicalized in this time and space it is the vibrational support of essential oils and sacred stones that truly resonate as profound and potent allies to harmonize all aspects of our Self.
Astrology offers another vibrational lens, insight into our blueprint so to speak as well as a current of energies through which one may observe trends in the collective. I sense some beings have shifted beyond these references… but my interest is rather how may I neutralize the exacerbation of one archetype, planet, sign, etc… How may I be impeccable in my own resonant field as I engage with the collective, the world and its story. IF interested I will be sharing my synthesis of info with each moon phase. I will share the allies whom may offer support and the ways in which may they may inspire your own alchemical attunements within.
This weekend’s Leo Full Moon is igniting the courage to fulfill that which your heart wisdom speaks of… Ruby, Kyanite, Rose and Atlas Cedarwood wish to offer their inherent wisdom that you may embody the changes you seek. Info to be posted soon.

by Blair Grey | Jan 30, 2020 | Classes, Videos, Winter
Wintertime is such a wonder when, ha the irony of that word… “when”
– we allow it to BE a time of stillness, reflection and deep penetration into one’s Self.
Our busy lives so rarely invite us to reset and to align within, to know what is the seed that seeks to grow with the coming Spring.
As an introvert I love the excuse a storm allows for inner beingness to thrive.
My wood/metal aspect often injects that I am NOT doing, earning, working… ya da ya da.
Our mental stoic nature governs us with the charade of being in control, of being in charge. Yet everything my 50 year old self has finally affirmed… I have NO control other than the choices I make in each moment.
To have such willingness to be vulnerable and authentic is truly the next super power I intend to continue to aspire to.
I keep feeling the pull to be visible, expressive and yet it is such a yin time to cultivate, replenish and rejuvenate it is a challenge to exert Qi as so loving the slow steady snowflakes as a motion to embody.
The oils have been a true ally in this integration of doing and being. My intent is to share more of how these essences of life force have such an essential medicine at this time when so many asked to slow down and embody authentic expression of one’s heart self.
I will attempt to start a video series that will align with our lunar cycles to assist those sensitives whom seek soulful embodiment during these transitional times. We are those whom we have been waiting for – each of us holds a unique expression that NO ONE else could embody. Now is the time to BE WHO WE ARE.
Imbolc, February 2… the beginning of the Year of the Rat seems to be the date to begin.
Stay tuned.
by Blair Grey | Dec 31, 2019 | Updates
Greetings with warm Winter wishes as the Solstice marks a bringing of the light. May 2020 embark us all upon soulful journeys of authentic, transparent and liberating expression. Grateful for all whom have been, and continue to be… patient with my creating groups and at some point online courses to nourish the soul!!! May your Beingness Ignite Delight as that is the medicine so craved by all!
2019 has been a provocative year… one of clarifying as to what hinders our growth and liberation. It is poignant that the last week of this year is truly launching us into the opportunity of a new engagement with ourselves, if we feel so drawn. I know I am grateful for all the intensity of last year and welcome this next decade understanding it is not going to mellow out. Rather I am hearing within my own water wisdom…. slow down, breathe, be the calm that you seek. It is a challenge as so much polarity rattles our stillness. As the matrix – that which is outside of ourselves – and the collective seems to be battling for a shifting of values, of how we measure “worth” – what was nourishing no longer seems to have that capacity. Well, this is my experience. I share as if such resonates you too are being beckoned through another threshold of birthing. Authentic expression yearns to break free of my own constructs and self doubts as NOW is the time to serve and to create in a whole new paradigm of exchange.
In these last few months I have been blessed by the most magical of serendipitous meetings… as had prayed for deepening my community roots, expanding my capacity to serve, and collaborating with amazing beings in creative ways to inspire others to shine brightly. My guidance had me write up my healing philosophy as it has evolved in these challenging last 4 years. I imagine many of you relate? You are not who your were in 2010… and do you feel that your path is only beginning to embark upon a new trajectory? If so you are not alone!
I am so jubilant to announce some of these collaborations that are arising…
1/15/20 Wed, 6-8 pm. Salt, Scents and Self-Care. Contact the SF Salt Cave to sign up
I will be sharing the sacred Santa Fe Salt Cave that was created with the vision and passion of Kim Rash, a fellow traveler on the journey of knowing Self.
It will be an evening of listening and experiencing ways to slow down and nourish one’s core in these tumultuous times of change. Experience the sacred healing powers of Himalayan salt, the powerful allies of essential oils that offer balance to our nervous systems in these activating times. I will create oils that specifically assist each being to harmonize as we look into the 5 elements of Chinese medical wisdom. Everyone will receive an acupuncture chart of where to apply these oils as an opportunity to listen within and reset with their own innate guidance. This seems to be the way to manage the stress due to the tornado of energies… to BE the calm within… and to actively engage with ourselves as often as needed throughout each day.
Upcoming will be another fabulous event supporting our immediate ways of nourishment… Kate Wheeler and I are so excited to team up again and share the power and healing of herbs and spices. This will take place at Savory and Spice that is located in downtown Santa Fe. Keep posted for theme of Winter healing foods for replenishing the adrenals and our constant state of fatigue. We are invited to be vigilant with our self care on all levels.
Savory and Spice
225 Galisteo St, Santa Fe, NM 87501
I also have recently been blessed by my own teacher, guide and pup adviser, Gaia Richards. We are inspired to create a workshop with dog owners whom wish to truly understand what their 4-legged gurus are offering them each as mirrors. Part of my intense journey this last year was the introduction of sibling healer pups to my peaceful vortex. Well, it has been the most amazing experience as I have never had dogs that truly I have to be the calm grounded present one. I am so grateful for the guidance and understanding as I truly grok it is up to me to hold space and to do so I am invited to truly learn and observe their reflections of my own being . Thus Gaia has been a heartfelt ally on this journey as I learn how I may assist these beloved beings thrive in honor of their breed, upbringing… and the gifts each hold for my own evolution. 505-316-3442
Besides these collaborations I will be offering a monthly gathering to deeply explore essential oils and how these magical essences can offer assistance at this time. I have studied with amazing teachers over the last 20 years and feel the time is now to create a space where I can share this wisdom. These workshops will be on the last Saturdays of each month from 1-2:30. I will post on this Facebook page (lol… a total challenge to my hermit non-tech self) and on my blog at my website More info and specifics will be upcoming.
May you all defy the chaos and discover with each day a sacred replenishment and connection within. We are are the change we seek in the world. Shine Brightly… Be You.
by Blair Grey | May 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
Greetings Fellow Travelers, Spring is in the air… but Winter always seems to be lurking and reminding us to not rush the seeds we have been inspired to plant:) After a very profound and potent “Winter time” of reflection and reframing, I have decided that accommodating insurance companies does not align with how I wish to serve my patients. I always feel our journeys are linked and as I observe so many struggling to honor their value and worth in a society that expects us to be robots… it has had me redefine my own value. My practice is a reflection of my capacity to be authentic in my service to each patient’s needs, and so my time is dedicated to educate and to inspire a new way of being as a “wellness model” that is NOT valued by what insurance is willing to pay. There are plenty of clinics that are set up to see 3-4 patients at a time… that is how the acupuncturists are able to afford to serve. That is not my style, as I feel part of my service is to hold space for what is presenting itself and deepen the capacity for the patient to find balance within.
by Blair Grey | Feb 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
WOW – these last weeks have been a “Shock and Awe” on our nervous systems for sure! The onslaught of so much at once… all the Unknowns – and the terrifying awareness of where this all “could” be heading has had most of us kick into overwhelm. The polarization is seemingly at its max and we are left to try to unwind, ground and nourish… but it is a challenge as the “collective” is so unhinged.
Symptoms to look for that suggest your “activist” requires some TLC!
Insomnia, Teeth-grinding, Palpitations, Shortness of Breath, Neck and Back tension, Nausea, Digestive disturbance, Headaches, Colds or Flus that last for weeks, Inability to Calm the Mind, Anxiety, or any of your own system’s vulnerabilities that have been activated!
Here are some thoughts: Nourish the Activist Within
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