Water thrives in a time of sequester… we are all invited to listen deeply.
by Blair Grey | March 28, 2020 | Elements, Essential Oils, Gifts of Water | 1 Comment
Greetings from the Water Element, How can this time become one of creative exploration - getting out those paints you have kept in the cupboard?? This is a welcomed time for replenishment,...
How is the Metal – the Mental aspect – handling these unchartered times?
by Blair Grey | March 27, 2020 | Elements, Essential Oils, GIfts of Metal | 0 Comments
So the Metal element, which corresponds to the lungs and large intestine, is not only the element whose organ systems are the most challenged by the COVID-19 virus, it is also the part of all of us...
What would the Earth Element do as a Caregiver in these times of the Unknown?
by Blair Grey | March 26, 2020 | Elements, Essential Oils, Gifts of Earth | 0 Comments
Greetings and again thank you for bearing with me as I persevere to find better ways to share the wisdom of the Elements. I am aware that going to my site is ultimately the way to hear the audio,...
What would Fire do in a lockdown? Be sure to Calm the Flames…
by Blair Grey | March 25, 2020 | Elements, Essential Oils, Gifts of Fire | 0 Comments
Greetings Fellow Travelers, Today I share how the Fire element within us all can seek balance and nourishment in these challenging times. We truly are in a reset and heart listening is the key! ...
Here is second attempt with Audio for What Would Wood Do?
by Blair Grey | March 24, 2020 | Elements, Essential Oils, Gifts of Wood | 3 Comments
LOL - I do apologize... my Wood element gets so frustrated by technology, I am just having to learn as I go along. Please be patient with me as I learn to be patient with myself - decompressing...
What would each of the Elements do in this confinement scenario?
by Blair Grey | March 22, 2020 | Elements, Spring | 0 Comments
Greetings Fellow Travelers During these chaotic times of so much unknown, we have all entered unprecedented territory. My intent is to share the Wisdom of the Elements as practical guidance to find...