Life is hectic, slowing down is key for balance. Since 1999 my acupuncture practice has evolved with the implementing of herbs, essential oils, sound therapy, stone medicine, food harmonizers and Five Element wisdom to offer each being an opportunity to reset, listen within and find Your unique way to BE in the world. Tap into your innate healing energy and let the river of life flow… so you may thrive.

Water thrives in a time of sequester… we are all invited to listen deeply.

Water thrives in a time of sequester… we are all invited to listen deeply.

Image by Coleur:

Image by Coleur:

Greetings from the Water Element, How can this time become one of creative exploration – getting out those paints you have kept in the cupboard??  This is a welcomed time for replenishment, stillness, meditation, or any slowing down engagement that nourishes your Soul.   Transform the fear into courage, allow yourself a deep aligning within that has you truly contemplate to be worthy of this precious time.  Water is the part of us that embodies Presence.  Be with your Self.   Open to your intuitive knowing and trust the unfolding. Water beckons us all to live authentically.

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