by Blair Grey | Mar 22, 2020 | Elements, Spring

5 Elements photo collage by Molly
Greetings Fellow Travelers
During these chaotic times of so much unknown, we have all entered unprecedented territory. My intent is to share the Wisdom of the Elements as practical guidance to find balance. We, humans, like to think we have control, so when events and an invisible “virus” deconstructs our way of life, society functions, and the world’s economies… everyone is within this collective cauldron of change. Each of us has walked into this moment with all the baggage of our stories beforehand. For some, dealing with the fear of basic survival issues has been a constant… they never knew if rent would be made, or if cancer would return, or if a child would relapse again. Others invested… literally in ensuring their well-being would be supported by their hard work and savings – so as we hit market reactivity resonant with the Great Recession, this erratic stripping of one’s “worth” is absolutely overwhelming. We are all being asked to step up in ways we never thought we could, as individuals, but most importantly as fellow human beings honoring so many that are suffering. Chaos creates circumstances that truly ignites the potential for radical transformation, but it takes a radical trust!
The 5 Elements of Chinese Medicine are not only tools for medical diagnosis created with over 4,000 years of observation and application of diet, herbs, acupuncture and essential oils. They also reflect how our psychological imbalances may be harmonized. We all have the 5 Elements within us, as we all have a liver (Wood), heart (Fire), spleen/stomach (Earth), lungs (Metal) and kidneys (Water). Each element also has a personality – a “go-to” when stressed or in survival mode and most of us are comfortable in 2-3 of the elemental proclivities.
For example, the Wood aspect of ourselves is the part that strategizes in times of stress. The wood is most comfortable when doing, moving, building, and engaging. It is the most challenged by a lockdown as all that energy can feel trapped when not hiking, running, or being drained. Hence it is the aspect that corresponds to headaches, jaw tension, muscle stiffness as some of the physical symptoms. As for the psychological ones it is the element that easily gets frustrated or angry when not able to”do” what it needs to be independent and free.
I will share more in the audio below.
For any interested in learning more about your own elemental allies, please fill out the 5 element questionnaire under my first-time paperwork tab. I will create audio for each of the elements.
For anyone interested in discovering how they may use this sequester for self-inquiry and harmony, please contact me to learn how I may serve you in these tumultuous times.
Please listen to the following blog posts about each of the elements.
by Blair Grey | Feb 26, 2020 | Seasons, Spring, Updates
Greetings Fellow Travelers,
I am sipping on tea, the pups are finally lounging in the sun and I am listening to my sacred vortex in the trees of Pecos.
As we are coming closer to Spring and the weather teases us with warmth and mud… but reminds, with the icy chill winds and continued snows, that we are not quite ready to allow the tendrils from seeds planted in the past to burst forth. I am blessed to observe how the Ravens prepare for their babies to come. I have lived in this valley for over 20 years, and in this home I built, about 11. The intimacy with which I engage with the elements and all the beloved creatures is such a gift… they are my gurus. About a week ago it was so clear how so many, myself included, felt just done with winter and we were experiencing the compression of Wood energy that just wants to burst forth now!!! The frustration that builds as nothing happens, nothing is being done – the “mind” roils with that one – and yet… it is not its Time, the Tao reminds. So my dear Raven friends showed up in tree close to my portal, with a few sticks in their mouths. Papa – as I call the large male whom has gone on walks with me… and smartly knows how to raid the dogs bones when they are not aware:) – he gave me one of his penetrating stares – the one that says – pay attention. Off they flew to a tree they have used in the past and I observed the fastidious fussing begin. The dawn’s sun was just igniting the tips of the Ponderosas and they each were bringing their offerings as they sorted them, to weave into becoming a nest. What is a clear is that this process is undergone with patience and perseverance. They each have their roles and undertake such in a flowing procession of ritual. One stick inserted at a time. As the nest gathers volume I note how the enraging winds of spring sort out what will not serve. The next morning the dynamic duo are back to begin repairs. Papa will even seek out certain live twigs on the tips of trees as he trims them for the perfect curve.
This is the Tao in motion. This is what the Ancients observed and tracked for centuries to apply to the Wisdom of the 5 Elements as a philosophical and medicinal treatise to health and balance.
SO folks… as Spring nears we are encouraged to balance our Wood element. To nourish ourselves as the energy builds to create our visions and dreams. It is timely that we are bursting to begin, to birth. to ENGAGE… but the process cannot be rushed. Pushing up river is only exhausting. Listen for the winds of change… of “what is” to assist the creative process – so what will not serve – flies away. One stick at a time we build the foundations for our heart’s manifestations to come. Be patient. Persevere. Trust the unfolding that has done so for the eons of seasons this beloved planet has known since time began. Breathe.
More to come to assist in supporting the Liver and the Gall Bladder so we may flow with ease on life’s trajectory.
Keep calm and Sparkle on!
by Blair Grey | Jan 30, 2020 | Classes, Videos, Winter
Wintertime is such a wonder when, ha the irony of that word… “when”
– we allow it to BE a time of stillness, reflection and deep penetration into one’s Self.
Our busy lives so rarely invite us to reset and to align within, to know what is the seed that seeks to grow with the coming Spring.
As an introvert I love the excuse a storm allows for inner beingness to thrive.
My wood/metal aspect often injects that I am NOT doing, earning, working… ya da ya da.
Our mental stoic nature governs us with the charade of being in control, of being in charge. Yet everything my 50 year old self has finally affirmed… I have NO control other than the choices I make in each moment.
To have such willingness to be vulnerable and authentic is truly the next super power I intend to continue to aspire to.
I keep feeling the pull to be visible, expressive and yet it is such a yin time to cultivate, replenish and rejuvenate it is a challenge to exert Qi as so loving the slow steady snowflakes as a motion to embody.
The oils have been a true ally in this integration of doing and being. My intent is to share more of how these essences of life force have such an essential medicine at this time when so many asked to slow down and embody authentic expression of one’s heart self.
I will attempt to start a video series that will align with our lunar cycles to assist those sensitives whom seek soulful embodiment during these transitional times. We are those whom we have been waiting for – each of us holds a unique expression that NO ONE else could embody. Now is the time to BE WHO WE ARE.
Imbolc, February 2… the beginning of the Year of the Rat seems to be the date to begin.
Stay tuned.
by Blair Grey | Oct 28, 2016 | Classes, Seasons, Uncategorized
“Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times” –
Practical applications of 5 Element Chinese Medicine.
Classes Start Fall 2016 at We the People Community Acupuncture.
First Thursdays at 10:30am. Second Wednesdays at 5:30pm.
Each Element is considered a fundamental building block and the 5 Elements express a medical and spiritual philosophy that is inherent within the 4,500 year history of Chinese Medicine. The Elements represent the “phases” of life; the seasons, our life journey, the flow of energy that courses through our bodies and the heavens, likened to fractals, they offer an understanding of how we may find balance within this dance, for As Above, So Below. The phases are the dynamic nature of the cyclical relationships of these fundamental building blocks. These classes are designed to help you understand how the applications of acupuncture, herbs, foods, essential oils, tai chi, meditation, and many other holistic examples, may support you on the journey to wellness. The 5 Elements is a system of correspondences that help us make sense of the patterns of nature and that is the heart of Chinese Medicine. The profound depth and intricacy of this medical model offers time-tested wisdom to PREVENT illness, or issues becoming chronic. Empower yourself to flourish and embody your unique vitality!
Each season Blair will offer wisdom from this holistic integrative system of inter-relationships so that each may learn ways to live in balance with the stress of modern life and cultivate a deeper self-care. Please contact me if wish to learn more, or have any suggestions.
by Blair Grey | Oct 27, 2016 | Classes, Fall, Seasons
This season’s classes will cover the METAL Element. It corresponds to the Lungs: governs Rhythmic Order, Letting in and Letting Out, the Large Intestine: governs Transformation and Change, Autumn, the ‘Qi” – or energy of the body, Capacity to Organize, Inspiration… to name a few of the aspects we will discuss.
Symptoms of METAL imbalance include: Allergies, Bronchitis, Dry Skin, Weak Immunity, Fatigue, Edema, Pain in shoulders and upper back, OCD, Self-Critique, Rigidity, Perfectionism and the Inability to Let Go.
These classes will help you understand more about these physical, mental and emotional imbalances and how they are related to each of the 5 Elements, as well as an Element’s spiritual virtue and their “personality”.
Blair intends to share practical support to help you integrate these insights with seasonally appropriate herbs, foods, essential oils and life skills. She will help you to learn to identify when an element is in balance, excessive, deficient or dysfunctional.
Please note Blair will not be diagnosing anyone, as a thorough intake is required, but will be able to offer suggestions when medically appropriate.
Hourly classes begin this month: the first Thursday 11/3 at 10:30 am and the second Wednesday, 11/9 at 5:30 pm. Donations appreciated. Bring writing materials if wish to take notes.
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